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Central Coast Council of P&Cs
Unincorporated P&C's
The Parents and Citizens’ Associations Incorporation Act 1976 provides for unincorporated P&C Associations. If an association wishes to become an incorporated body under this Act it should make inquiries with Federation’s office.
Unincorporated associations have the freedom and autonomy to prescribe their own constituition in accordance with the format outlined in the Education Act 1990.
An unincorporated Association does not have the ability to operate a Canteen, OOSH, or employ staff.
Unincorporated P&C Associations do not have the protection of Directors Liability Insurance.
Roles and Responsibilities
CCC P&C Documentation
Department Guidelines
Leading and Managing the School
Voluntary School Contributions
Guidelines to Fundraising
What is the Charitable Act?
What is ACNC
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