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The Central Coast Council of P&C's values the partnership of it members and the broader community.  Accordingly we aim to ensure that the community is kept up to date on relevant information that assists in stregthening bonds around the development and education of our school community.

Protecting our children online


There are fresh calls for parents to talk openly with their children about cyber safety to help rein in out-of-control “Generation Sext”.


Robertson federal Liberal MP Lucy Wicks said “open discussion within families” about the dangers of sexually explicit material online was an important way to educate children.


The mother of two praised the Central Coast Council of P&Cs for organising a Cyber-Awareness forum at Mingara Recreation Club, on June 7.


“The focus of the forum will be around empowering parents and helping them with methods of protection, as well as getting a better understanding of how a digital footprint can later fall into the wrong hands.


“Put simply, children can sometimes be just one click away from taking a video clip that is later distributed worldwide — and it can never be retrieved.”


Audio and vision of Lucy’s speech is available here:

ACNC Commissioner's Comments


For many Parents and Citizen’s Associations , the committee of management changes on an annual basis. This can make it difficult for the P&C to maintain its registration with the ACNC.


If you are involved in a P&C, I encourage you to take a moment to watch our recent webinar. The purpose of the webinar is to explain the obligations of registered charities, and help P&Cs when they transition to new committee members.


Like all charities registered with the ACNC, P&Cs are obligated to meet ACNC requirements. This includes updating the responsible persons listed on the Charity Register, notifying of changes in contact details, and submitting the Annual Information Statement each year.


The transcript and video of the webinar will be available in the coming days at the ACNC Website.


If you have any questions about the specific circumstances of your P&C, please contact our friendly Advice team on 13 22 62 (13 ACNC).

Community Building Partnership


The NSW Community Building Partnership program awards grants for community infrastructure projects.


The program supports community infrastructure projects that:


* promote community participation,

   inclusion and cohesion.


* deliver positive social, environmental, and 

   recreational outcomes.






Incorporated not-for-profits and local councils will be eligible to apply.

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